VIP Upgrades.

08 Nov 2022, 13:38
VIP Upgrades We were going to wait until the event to have upgrades to keep the logistics simpler for the team but a few general admin ticket holders had a good point: They wanted to upgrade and didn't want to trade/buy/etc at the event with a ton of people around and that is very smart on their part, so we just listed vip upgrades for them. Few things to keep in mind 1. You must have or qualify for a gen admin ticket to upgrade. Please be sure you get the correct ticket given your situation so we don't have to complicate logistics and get everyone in the door quickly Friday morning. 2. If you have a VIP by Thursday, there is an optional Thursday night happy hour for VIP holders (same saturday night) 3. Regardless of your ticket status, Friday night is going to be a big deal for many - be there if you can. Here is the check in schedule Thursday 11/10 at 5pm Palomino Ballroom VIP Check in Friday 11/11 at 8am Palomino ballroom Gen admin check in We start at 9am Friday and Saturday BONUSES Wolf Zen and Masters Apprentice members we have an optional breakfast and training with Mike Leone and Jason Campbell Sunday morning and then they are taking everyone up to the mountain about 1pm. This is their thing that is only available to our people, so we will work with them on communicating the next steps, bonuses and gifts for those that are in the program(s) but not here, physically. Onward