Degen 1. 0 sold out all 50 tickets in like a week. Degen 2. 0 sold out 70 in a few days. Degen 3.

13 May 2022, 00:14
Degen 1.0 sold out all 50 tickets in like a week Degen 2.0 sold out 70 in a few days Degen 3.0 sold 85 tickets in a day and 100 virtual seats/replays. Degen 4 (which has been renamed Gray Wolf Summit for partnership purposes) will be the biggest, best and deliver the highest level of proximity and opportunity. We do not care what the market is doing, we are moving forward with education, in fact the WORSE shape the market is in, the more important this is. Will be closing these channels soon. Join here for updated information: